How to manage when looking for work again

We all may experience a time in our lives when we are in the situation of needing to look for a job once again. There are many things that can take place to place us in a very bad situation. Each situation is different, and no person should be judged on what happens in life. This article is a lifeline to let everyone that is reading say it’s okay when you are facing something because you are not alone; there is someone else going through a situation similar because we are all human.

The key is to not let issues get the better of you. There are ways you can get through and start picking back up once again one day at a time. An issue which got the discussion of this article going is how quickly things can happen when working with a company you once trusted then suddenly the rug was pulled out from underneath. It began with the hours slowly being decreased then suddenly you were given notice. Those type of things can happen, and companies will do this when they have difficulty with meeting specific goals. The unfortunate issue is it turns the employee life upside down because they are suddenly hearing news that was not expected.

Many will get frustrated and even angry at the business which is quite normal. The best way to manage this issue is to take a two-day break then on that third day pull out your resume and start reading over it from the top to the bottom. Ask the questions if there are any updates that need to be done and if so, do those updates. When your resume has been updated be sure to save it in two areas; one where you normally keep it and, in another area, where you backup all your good documents.

Now you can start browsing the online classifieds to look for what jobs are on the market. I suggest viewing classifieds first because they are the best website that keeps up with jobs and stays updated. Secondly, the classifieds are up to date and quite current for work-at-home jobs. How you locate them is to enter “work-at-home” in the job area then enter “remote” in the location section.  You can use that same keyword setting on these websites,, and to seek out remote work. It may take some searching, but that keyword seems to be the best one that works for finding remote jobs.

Another website that may be of special interest to anyone in need of remote positions is called The Mom Project. What makes this site so special is everyone can join whether you are a mom, dad or just someone needing to find a work at home job they can assist. This website offers free membership to everyone. The members can build a profile to use when they apply with a company. The Mom Project is extremely helpful during the job search as they will help members build their cover letter, choose their best resume for the job and much more. Mom Project is a remote company that cares about their members, check them out!

The last website that especially focused on anyone in desire to find remote positions is called FlexJobs. This is another membership site that will help you locate specific information that is desired for finding that career. The job list is updated daily and the emails are also sent to remind when those updates take place so nothing is missed. When using FlexJobs there is a small yearly fee for looking at the large list of remote jobs taking place nationally including the list of hybrid jobs. There is help using the filter and there are also jobs overseas if you are someone that lives outside of the United States. FlexJobs is a company that is willing to help someone find that job which best suits their career. I suggest looking at the website just to see if FlexJobs has the listings that can work for your remote needs.


