7 incredible work from home career examples you can start today

Each one of us has the desire to work, take care our loved ones, make sure we have a roof over our heads, there is food on the table, and everyone is safe and warm. At one point in time there will come a day when we begin to feel working outside of the house is becoming troublesome. There could be a time when that situation comes about causing deep thought but there is an answer, working from home can be the answer to the problem. How you can work from home is something that may sound difficult, but it can be done easily. Here are seven specific work from home jobs that can be researched on because these jobs are frequently hired for.

  1. Customer Service Support – Speaking with customers through a headset and microphone to take care of customer needs from service damage to upset customer. There will always be training but the length will be provided on your first day. The point of training is to help employees be aware of what they need to be aware of from logging into the system to setting up a system.
    Another part of setting up a system will be temporary username and company passwords used plus helping everyone how to log in while going through training daily.  There are more details given about the program during your training about how the consumer is helped, spoken to, and the steps that are needed for taking care of them with the program that is being worked on. The more training that is taken with this program the easier it will be to understand when speaking with your customer.   
  2. Data Entry – The data entry field is a typing of data into the computer but there are also other tasks such as scanning of documents, sorting of data information so it is entered correct and at times there can be a need to print something out. Something important that will always take place when entering data is to stay quiet about what is entered because that information is no one else’s business. When putting data into the computer it goes into a database but as someone that does data entry you should be able to fast type as the more data entry that goes into the computer the better.
    An important habit to have when being a data entry clerk is always having the habit to verify your work as that makes sure every item is correct. A suggestion if you would like to become a data entry clerk and build your typing speed there are free typing sites on the Internet.   
  3. Virtual Assistant – The virtual assistant is a person many like to have as they can manage different situations. The virtual assistant is needed to help someone by answering email, making travel arrangements, schedule appointments, perhaps making cold calls by using names from a list that is given. Other tasks that can be performed are things such as helping with a presentation, checking on business reservations, conducting research for certain information that is given, or helping with other matters.
    The virtual assistant can also assist others with a busy household. So, you can be a part of helping plan out for things like birthday parties, soccer games, PTO meetings, yoga night, and much more. All the above are so valuable because no event can be missed whether it involves work or home that’s why virtual assistants are a very important person to have.          
  4. Travel Agent – A travel agent job has different services, that’s one thing to be aware of but what is we should also know travel agents can help many types of travelers from business to personal from the airlines to hotel. Travel agents are helpful people because they arrange hotel reservations, set airline reservations  and also help plan traveling reservations. There are things travel agents will be responsible to uphold during the job like making sure the customer is happy, providing the steps needed for the arrangement of their tour.
    Other activity that can take place with this job involves providing an invoice to the customer for the amount paid or the amount that is owed. Another responsibility is to take payments This is a job that does require paying close attention to everything as you will be communicating with customers in detail sometimes it can be to just correct a misunderstanding other times it can be to correct what has taken place on the reservation itself.
  5. Email marketing specialist – Are you someone that is good at selling things? It takes someone a specialty to sit and talk easily for selling an item but goes another step when using that creativity entering it into an email. Most marketing emails that sell services or products are short, but they need to be written in such a way that can catch the reader’s attention.  
    Marketing jingles can grab attention but there are times it takes a few tries to create. The benefit of building a marketing jingle is in most positions you will not be working on your own and will be working with a team. If you believe you have what it takes to sell something this may be the job to earn an income. Further check it out by looking at what virtual jobs are available.    
  6. Virtual bookkeeper – Because we have computers, we can now perform virtual bookkeeping with software and save information securely. The joy of being a virtual bookkeeper is you can live in any USA town then provide help remotely. The duties of being a virtual bookkeeper other than confidential communication is keeping secure financial documents safely. These items will be placed into accounting software based upon the transaction and financial activity that has taken place.
    It would be wise to review the different accounting software that is used so you are aware and can learn more about each software that is used from a virtual bookkeeper to see if this is a position you feel comfortable in entering. A suggestion is using Google to research this career including the software that is used with it.  
  7. Copywriter – A copywriter is someone that can create things like a blog, marketing ad, or article content just by following a guide. There are many types of content that can be created such as something from educational, entertainment, or even business. Last step before publishing content is to edit and proofread.
    Because there are many topics that can be written about a copywriter can always stay busy with research to keep their writing original and fresh. There are so many benefits with writing as you can build a freelance business for yourself or you can work for someone else, the choice is entirely up to you. Another benefit with copywriting is you choose the topics that are best understood.  

There are more work from home job choices than what is listed but the point of this article is to give thought to anyone that has a thought desiring to work from home and now seeking what to do. Locating a work from home job may not happen overnight but the choices given above are things that can be looked for in the career search engines as many business owners do hire them.
As a final thought, never pay for anything and if the job application or job interview doesn’t sound right walk away. You’ve got control of the situation, always remember that. See you next article!