Top 5 Health and Beauty Products Used Daily

Every person has specific items they rely upon daily for beauty throughout the year well I have five specific items that are used because they are the only beauty products I need working from home.

Wanted to share this list for a few reasons. As said, working from home but also I don’t travel as much due to having severe back pain. Dealing with daily back pain has given me the desire to making life simple. Hence my reason for wanting this list to be easy and simple:

  1. Bare Minerals – Use a light powder that is close to my skin color so it is wonderful for those mornings I will be in meetings or running errands and need a little bit of color on my face. The best facial powder I have come across that applies smoothly, doesn’t need a touch-up, and is easy to remove.
  2. Cover Girl eye shadow – I have two colors of eyeshadow and will choose based upon what is being worn that day. I tend to use a lighter color eyeshadow on top of a darker one so there is never anything dark showing.
  3. Lip balm – My favorite has been Burt’s Bees as it just seems to work better for my dried lips so that’s something that I will always have in my purse.
  4. 16-ounce bottle of water – I always have this by my side whether I am in a meeting, running errands or in my home. Drinking water is the best thing that can build your body beautiful.
  5. Stridex Sensitive pads – Every morning my face gets cleaned with a Stridex pad that is made for sensitive skin after brushing my teeth. This is one of the best things I have found that will take care of my skin without causing harm.

Every person is different with the products being use daily but the list above are what I use as they do works the best for my type of skin.

As a final thought I do ask my readers to please stay hydrated daily as your health is #1 and there is only one you. If any of my readers would like to try one or more of the items I use above to do so for 30 days then leave a comment if you have liked or disliked. 


