The Next Best Appliance to a Crockpot is the Instant-pot

For over the past 15 years, I have been using a crockpot as I am someone that just loves having the ability to put everything into one pot and letting it go. Crockpots give the ability of allowing your food cook together and make a beautiful dish. Besides, there are many fabulous recipes from savory to sweet that can be done in the crockpot.

The crock pot is an appliance that is still used when a recipe calls for the need because the item still does work well.
An appliance that has came onto the market is the Insta-pot. When first learning about this item it raised questions from both my husband as well as myself on how well the item worked in comparison to the crockpot. We did purchase the appliance due to major curiosity and began learning how to cook with it.
After purchasing the appliance, the question how quickly boiled eggs can be made in the Instant-Pot was asked. Six eggs were boiled using the steps given by friends on a Facebook group, and they turned out amazing! We were so impressed we did up the other six eggs then created an egg salad for sandwiches.
I am pretty sure the Instant-Pot appliance works so well because it is cooking with pressure. There are many settings available that can be used. For example, you can choose to do a dinner then have your entire dinner placed in layers using a specific stainless-steel item that is provided.

The Instant-pot is stainless steel, and it holds heat. Secondly, the appliance is like the crockpot in one way you can add all ingredients into it. What makes the appliance better is technology as the Instant-pot gives you the ability to cook multiple types of recipes with ease and do them quickly because the appliance has pressure where the crock pot does not. The Instant-pot has option buttons that can be used for various dishes, or you can select a custom time. There is a warm button along with the on and off buttons. It is quite easy to control for a cooking appliance and what makes this appliance even more helpful is when cleaning after dinner. Just remove the inside stainless-steel pot once everything is cooled down then place it into hot water with dish soap. If you are someone that wants to use the dishwasher it can go into dishwasher on either rack. If you would like to clean the top of your lid that can be done as well, just be careful when doing so. I found a website that has shown me how to care for the Instant-pot so it will last.

Since I am the person that does dishes, I take very good care of this appliance and do my very best to leave the lid alone unless it needs to be taken a part. My husband has been enjoying this appliance and how easy it is. What I will say is the appliance is quite simple to care for when cleaning both removing the inner part of the Instant-pot then after cleaning the inner pot wiping down outside of the appliance with a damp cloth when unplugged. When cleaning the inner pot, I do use Dawn dish soap and hot water unless there has been a food burn which can take place. When food burns happen, I will then use the SOS pad as they are the best item to take care of the job.
This is one of the easiest appliances to make use of when cooking dinners that I have ever had, and it is something that gets used at least twice a week because the appliance is very easy to use and very easy to clean. A very large discovery about the Instant-pot there are many recipes once used for the crock pot are now being used with this appliance. How they were discovered is by seeking them out on the Internet, Google is your friend. Because Instant-pot is a new appliance Google is the best place to do your searching. This is a helpful appliance for anyone that loves cooking and wants to make healthy dinners. The Instant-pot is an appliance worth having in your kitchen as it will be of benefit to help you creating those comfort foods as well as new items for dinner.


